RRB NTPC 2024 Top 50 Questions from Ancient History of India

RRB NTPC 2024 Top 50 Questions Ancient History of India: Ancient History is a crucial part of the RRB NTPC 2024 syllabus, and understanding this subject is essential for success in the exam. This article provides 50 challenging questions from various periods of Ancient Indian History, covering topics from the Pre-historic Period to India After Harsha.

These questions are designed to test your in-depth knowledge and help you prepare effectively for the exam.

RRB NTPC 2024 Top 50 Questions Ancient History of India
RRB NTPC 2024 Top 50 Questions Ancient History of India

Ancient History of India Important Topics for RRB NTPC 2024

  1. Pre-historic Period
  2. Harappan Civilization
  3. The Vedic Civilization & Culture
  4. The Emergence of Mahajanapadas & Magadh
  5. Religious Revolution
  6. The Mauryan Empire
  7. The Sangam Age
  8. The Gupta Empire
  9. Post Gupta Period / Vardhana Dynasty
  10. India After Harsha

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RRB NTPC 2024 Exam MCQs from Ancient History of India

Ancient History holds significant importance in the RRB NTPC 2024 examination, as it forms a core part of the General Awareness section. This period, which spans from the Pre-historic era to the time after Harsha, lays the foundation for understanding India’s rich cultural and historical legacy. Key areas include the evolution of early human settlements, the rise and fall of empires, and the socio-cultural transformations that shaped the Indian subcontinent.

This article presents 50 hard-level multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering essential topics like the Pre-historic Period, Harappan Civilization, Vedic Culture, the rise of Mahajanapadas, Religious Revolutions, and the prominent empires of Maurya, Gupta, and more. These challenging questions will help you gauge your preparation and boost your confidence for the exam.

Which site provides the earliest evidence of agriculture in the Indian subcontinent?

  • A) Mehrgarh
  • B) Burzahom
  • C) Chirand
  • D) Bhimbetka

The Mesolithic site of Bagor is located in which state of India?

  • A) Madhya Pradesh
  • B) Rajasthan
  • C) Gujarat
  • D) Karnataka

Where is the Bhimbetka rock shelter, known for its prehistoric cave paintings, located?

  • A) Maharashtra
  • B) Madhya Pradesh
  • C) Odisha
  • D) Uttar Pradesh

Which Harappan site is known for having the world’s first known dockyard?

  • A) Harappa
  • B) Mohenjo-Daro
  • C) Lothal
  • D) Kalibangan

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Harappan Civilization?

  • A) Planned cities
  • B) Use of bronze tools
  • C) Iron implements
  • D) Trade networks

The Great Bath, an architectural marvel, was discovered at which Indus Valley site?

  • A) Harappa
  • B) Mohenjo-Daro
  • C) Dholavira
  • D) Lothal

Which Veda is primarily a collection of hymns dedicated to various deities?

  • A) Rigveda
  • B) Samaveda
  • C) Yajurveda
  • D) Atharvaveda

The term ‘Dasyu’ mentioned in the Vedic texts refers to:

  • A) Priests
  • B) Merchants
  • C) Enemies or non-Aryans
  • D) Warriors

Which early Vedic text provides details on the religious, social, and economic life of the Aryans?

  • A) Rigveda
  • B) Upanishads
  • C) Samhitas
  • D) Brahmanas

The ‘Mahajanapada’ located on the banks of the river Ganga, which later became a prominent kingdom, was:

  • A) Magadh
  • B) Kosala
  • C) Kashi
  • D) Avanti

Which ruler is associated with the first Buddhist Council?

  • A) Ajatashatru
  • B) Ashoka
  • C) Bimbisara
  • D) Mahapadma Nanda

The spread of Jainism in South India was largely attributed to which Jain monk?

  • A) Bhadrabahu
  • B) Sthulabhadra
  • C) Mahavira
  • D) Parshvanatha

Who was the founder of the Mauryan Empire?

  • A) Ashoka
  • B) Bindusara
  • C) Chandragupta Maurya
  • D) Bimbisara

The famous ‘Arthashastra’ is attributed to which ancient scholar?

  • A) Patanjali
  • B) Kautilya
  • C) Manu
  • D) Panini

The Kalinga War was fought in the reign of which Mauryan emperor?

  • A) Bindusara
  • B) Ashoka
  • C) Chandragupta Maurya
  • D) Dasaratha Maurya

Ashoka’s edicts were inscribed in which script in the northwestern part of India?

  • A) Brahmi
  • B) Kharosthi
  • C) Devanagari
  • D) Greek

Which dynasty is associated with the Sangam literature?

  • A) Pallavas
  • B) Cholas
  • C) Cheras
  • D) Pandya

The ‘Sangam Age’ primarily refers to the history and culture of which region?

  • A) North India
  • B) Deccan
  • C) Tamil Nadu
  • D) Bengal.

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Who is regarded as the founder of the Gupta Empire?

  • A) Chandragupta I
  • B) Samudragupta
  • C) Chandragupta II
  • D) Skandagupta

Which Gupta ruler is known as the ‘Napoleon of India’?

  • A) Chandragupta I
  • B) Samudragupta
  • C) Chandragupta II
  • D) Kumaragupta

The Gupta period is often referred to as the ‘Golden Age’ of India due to advancements in:

  • A) Science
  • B) Art
  • C) Literature
  • D) All of the above

Who was the Chinese traveler who visited India during the reign of Chandragupta II?

  • A) Hiuen Tsang
  • B) Fa-Hien
  • C) I-Tsing
  • D) Xuanzang

Which of the following plays was written by Kalidasa during the Gupta period?

  • A) Mudrarakshasa
  • B) Mrichchhakatika
  • C) Abhijnanashakuntalam
  • D) Ratnavali

Who defeated Harshavardhana and stopped his expansion into the Deccan?

  • A) Pulakeshin II
  • B) Rajendra Chola
  • C) Narasimhavarman
  • D) Simhavishnu

The Nalanda University flourished during the reign of which dynasty?

  • A) Maurya
  • B) Gupta
  • C) Vardhana
  • D) Pallava

Which ruler is credited with the establishment of Vikramshila University?

  • A) Harsha
  • B) Dharmapala
  • C) Chandragupta II
  • D) Kumaragupta I

The Allahabad Pillar inscription, also known as the Prayag Prashasti, is associated with which ruler?

  • A) Samudragupta
  • B) Harsha
  • C) Chandragupta Maurya
  • D) Ashoka

The concept of ‘Dharma-Yuddha’ is closely associated with which ruler?

  • A) Ashoka
  • B) Harsha
  • C) Bimbisara
  • D) Chandragupta Maurya

The earliest epigraphic evidence of the practice of ‘Sati’ comes from which period?

  • A) Gupta
  • B) Maurya
  • C) Vedic
  • D) Sangam

Which river was considered sacred and central to the Aryan civilization in the early Vedic period?

  • A) Ganges
  • B) Saraswati
  • C) Yamuna
  • D) Godavari

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The ‘Kalinga Edict’ was issued by Ashoka after his conquest of Kalinga. In which modern state is Kalinga primarily located?

  • A) Odisha
  • B) West Bengal
  • C) Andhra Pradesh
  • D) Bihar

Who was the last ruler of the Maurya dynasty?

  • A) Ashoka
  • B) Brihadratha
  • C) Bindusara
  • D) Dasaratha Maurya

Which ancient Indian text provides information about the administrative system of the Mauryan Empire?

  • A) Arthashastra
  • B) Manusmriti
  • C) Mahabharata
  • D) Ramayana

Who among the following was not associated with the religious revolution during the 6th century BCE?

  • A) Mahavira
  • B) Gautama Buddha
  • C) Adi Shankara
  • D) Makkhali Gosala

Which foreign invader was defeated by Chandragupta Maurya with the help of Chanakya?

  • A) Seleucus I Nicator
  • B) Alexander the Great
  • C) Xerxes
  • D) Darius

The ‘Saptanga’ theory of the state, which deals with seven elements of the state, was propounded by:

  • A) Chanakya
  • B) Manu
  • C) Patanjali
  • D) Panini

Which dynasty was known for the construction of the famous rock-cut temples of Ellora?

  • A) Gupta
  • B) Chalukya
  • C) Pallava
  • D) Rashtrakuta

The ‘Iron Pillar’ near Qutub Minar is a remnant of which dynasty?

  • A) Maurya
  • B) Gupta
  • C) Vardhana
  • D) Kushana

The Harappan script has been classified as:

  • A) Alphabetical
  • B) Pictographic
  • C) Ideographic
  • D) Cuneiform

Which Indian ruler is known to have performed the Ashvamedha (horse sacrifice) to assert his supremacy?

  • A) Chandragupta Maurya
  • B) Samudragupta
  • C) Pushyamitra Shunga
  • D) Ashoka

Who among the following was the founder of the Satavahana dynasty?

  • A) Simuka
  • B) Satakarni I
  • C) Gautamiputra Satakarni
  • D) Hala

What was the primary material used in the construction of the Great Bath at Mohenjo-Daro?

  • A) Stone
  • B) Terracotta
  • C) Burnt bricks
  • D) Wood

Who wrote ‘Harshacharita,’ a biography of Harsha?

  • A) Kalidasa
  • B) Banabhatta
  • C) Bharavi
  • D) Magha

Which emperor sent his emissary, Megasthenes, to the court of Chandragupta Maurya?

  • A) Darius
  • B) Seleucus I Nicator
  • C) Alexander
  • D) Xerxes

Which ruler introduced the currency called ‘Rupaka’?

  • A) Chandragupta Maurya
  • B) Samudragupta
  • C) Sher Shah Suri
  • D) Harsha

The famous ‘Kamasutra’ was written by:

  • A) Aryabhata
  • B) Patanjali
  • C) Vatsyayana
  • D) Kalidasa

Which script was primarily used for writing the Ashokan inscriptions?

  • A) Devanagari
  • B) Brahmi
  • C) Kharosthi
  • D) Prakrit

The ‘Golden Throne’ of which South Indian ruler is famous for its intricate carvings and is considered a symbol of prosperity?

  • A) Chola
  • B) Pandya
  • C) Vijayanagara
  • D) Pallava

Who succeeded Chandragupta I as the ruler of the Gupta Empire?

  • A) Samudragupta
  • B) Kumaragupta
  • C) Skandagupta
  • D) Chandragupta II

The cave paintings at Ajanta primarily depict scenes from:

  • A) The life of Mahavira
  • B) The Ramayana
  • C) The life of Buddha
  • D) The Vedas

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RRB NTPC 2024 MCQ Answers from Ancient Indian History

The RRB NTPC 2024 MCQ Answers cover key aspects of ancient Indian history, including early settlements like Mehrgarh, Harappan sites such as Lothal and Mohenjo-Daro, and important dynasties like the Mauryas and Guptas. They highlight influential figures like Ashoka, Chandragupta Maurya, and Samudragupta, as well as significant texts such as Arthashastra and Harshacharita. The questions also touch on religious and cultural developments from the Vedic period, Jainism, Buddhism, and the Sangam age, showcasing the diversity and depth of India’s ancient past.

Here are the answers for the MCQs provided:

  1. A) Mehrgarh
  2. B) Rajasthan
  3. B) Madhya Pradesh
  4. C) Lothal
  5. C) Iron implements
  6. B) Mohenjo-Daro
  7. A) Rigveda
  8. C) Enemies or non-Aryans
  9. A) Rigveda
  10. A) Magadh
  11. A) Ajatashatru
  12. A) Bhadrabahu
  13. C) Chandragupta Maurya
  14. B) Kautilya
  15. B) Ashoka
  16. B) Kharosthi
  17. C) Cheras
  18. C) Tamil Nadu
  19. A) Chandragupta I
  20. B) Samudragupta
  21. D) All of the above
  22. B) Fa-Hien
  23. C) Abhijnanashakuntalam
  24. A) Pulakeshin II
  25. C) Vardhana
  26. B) Dharmapala
  27. A) Samudragupta
  28. A) Ashoka
  29. A) Gupta
  30. B) Saraswati
  31. A) Odisha
  32. B) Brihadratha
  33. A) Arthashastra
  34. C) Adi Shankara
  35. A) Seleucus I Nicator
  36. A) Chanakya
  37. D) Rashtrakuta
  38. B) Gupta
  39. B) Pictographic
  40. C) Pushyamitra Shunga
  41. A) Simuka
  42. C) Burnt bricks
  43. B) Banabhatta
  44. B) Seleucus I Nicator
  45. C) Sher Shah Suri
  46. C) Vatsyayana
  47. B) Brahmi
  48. C) Vijayanagara
  49. A) Samudragupta
  50. C) The life of Buddha

Also Read: RRB Group D Syllabus 2024: Download Subject-Wise Syllabus PDF & Key Topics

The post RRB NTPC 2024 Top 50 Questions from Ancient History of India first appeared on Karmasandhan.

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